Sunday, December 04, 2011

morning monday

process progress project
Blogger Push-Button Publishing Dr.E.I.Belbis Sexe Masculin Signe astrologique : Vierge Secteur : Ressources humaines Profession : dance store owner Pays/territoire : venice beach : ca. : États-Unis Qui êtes-vous ? drafted in 1967 and discharged in 1969 and came back to california and worked for the phone company before i went to altamont to see the rolling stones and then i left for europe and ended up on aboat to turkey and then buses and cars and trains to india and beyond and back again for the next ten years . or at least after the russians showed up in afghanistan and john lennon died in new york . and now i get to return to asia for businees and pleasure . work and art combined . peshawar pakistan and jaipur india . and now i think that i may move to india and start a new venture . Centres d'intérêt books artists travel food india commerce mailart afghan jewelry carpets from the tribal area Films préférés indian movies and pakistan movies . Goûts musicaux country and western and also indian movie music Livres préférés Jack Micheline wrote some of them like 'SKINNY DYNAMITE ' s.clay wilson comic books Mes blogs Athens to Vientiane TRAVEL BAZAAR 517 oceanfront walk venice beach , CA . , 90291 dancers without borders venice beach ? on the beach , on the web , and on paper . . . . ?